Competitive strategy skirmish game for all skill levels | Classic fantasy | 1-4 players | 45 min/player
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Ongoing Production & Steam Deck Release
about 1 month ago
– Fri, Jan 10, 2025 at 07:10:00 AM
Hello and happy new year everyone! This update's rather short – things are on track just as we communicated in December.
The production of the board game is still underway and as we were assured just this week by our partner that oversees production & fulfilment, the games are still on track to reach you in February. For security reasons the workers are not allowed to use cameras or mobile phones in the production hall so sadly there aren't any pictures they were able to share with us. We are eager to see some visuals just as you are but we may need to wait a little bit longer.
We are continuing to improve the video game post-release. Most of the updates from the last month focused on UI improvements and minor bug fixes. We appreciate all the kind reviews many of you left on Steam, we are happy to hear that you are enjoying the game and that you're open to let the world know about it!
Later this month we'll be rolling out a special video game feature: support for Steam Deck. We strongly believe in Boardquest's potential for handheld devices and Steam Deck is a natural next step for us.
We are in constant communication with our manufacturer in Spain and are expecting to be able to share some very positive news with you early next month.
Until then,
Iwona + Behsaad
Production Update
2 months ago
– Thu, Dec 05, 2024 at 09:29:03 AM
Hey folks, after sharing with you the wonderful news about the video game release, it's high time we update you on the board game release status.
Since our last update all our 17000+ miniatures have arrived at the facilities of our manufacturer & fulfilment partner in Madrid. The team has been able to test the miniature box with the produced minis and it showed that the insert needs another rework which halted the production for a bit. We've put all hands on deck to find a solution and thankfully – we succeeded. The outlay will have 6 compartments, color-coded to denote the faction or monster alliance. The box will be sturdy with additional foam to secure the minis in transit.
This is good news for the final product as it ensures that your copies travel safe and your setup and store experience is optimal. That said, we do understand you're eager to receive the games... so are we! We have now confirmed with AGR that the board games will be delivered to you in February. We understand that this is about 2months later than we intended but unfortunately there were things out of our control that caused this delay. We are doing everything we can to deliver you the best product and sometimes unforeseen events may happen.
Now as we wait... here are some pictures of our professionally painted miniatures from our friend and artist Noël (Instagram link - he accepts commissions!). We love them in their original form but there is something to painted minis that truly brings them – and the game – to life.
Orc Warrior (painted by Torch Miniatures)
Archer (painted by Torch Miniatures)
Minotaur (painted by Torch Miniatures)
We'll send you another update early January, hopefully with some jolly production pictures.
Have a lovely Christmas break everyone,
Iwona & Behsaad
Video Game Release on Steam
3 months ago
– Mon, Nov 25, 2024 at 11:50:43 AM
We are thrilled to be sharing the big news with you! Boardquest: Tales of Liria has been released on Steam! For now it's only available to our backers and we will open it to public access later this week. The game is available in English, Spanish and German and will run on PC & Mac.
The game includes:
◈ 2 Single Player Campaigns: Defenders of Liria and Scourge of Liria ◈
As a Video Game backer you will receive your unique Steam access code in a mail from Backerkit. If you backed the game and have not received your code, please message us here on Kickstarter or use [email protected] and we will sort it out for you.
Our our video game backers have a special mention in the Credits section and get access to the game before everybody else. Later this year all of you will unlock a special achievement on Steam for your contribution.
We are very proud to have achieved this milestone. Thank you all for your ongoing encouragement and lovely comments. As you are very well aware, our budget is far removed from that of other projects and studios. We've poured countless hours into creating the game and had to tap into our personal funds to pay for assets and infrastructure. First time creators often fail on crowdfunding platforms: fail to launch, fail to meet their funding goal, or fail to deliver. Probabilistically, a thing like Boardquest was likely to fail as well – it defies the odds only because it truly is a passion project of ours and because of the constant support of our backers and community. Deeply rooted in tabletop and RPG systems, the game iterates on classic turn-based combat to be fast paced, accessible and endlessly replayable through limitless constellations of the hexagonal map you are playing on. As we continue to work on expanding the capabilities, soon you will be able to make your own adventures online and reenact them on your living room table.
The game is 100% feature complete. We are aware that some elements could be better (e.g., the UI, some models), and we will be working on improving them with the next releases.
Your feedback is welcome and can be submitted here. If you encounter an issue we'd be happy to take a look as well. Join our Discord channel to meet other players and take part in tournaments!
We will be sending an update on the board game progress soon. This update is specific to the video game. If you are a board game backer keen on getting your hands on Boardquest, we encourage you to try a demo of it on Steam.
Behsaad & Iwona
We're printing the game!
3 months ago
– Tue, Nov 05, 2024 at 07:18:24 AM
Brrh, click – clatter – clunk. This is the sound of files printing, folks!
We've now surpassed all hurdles leading to this long-awaited moment. The presses are about to be fully engaged, mixing and pouring Boardquest's brand colors: vintage gold, rich black, demon-red, orkish-green, human-blue, and elven-brown over humongous sheets of paper.
There is more.
We are beyond proud to present our complete set of 35 miniatures:
That's a lot of minis! We are in awe with how they turned out: the colors are deep and the details are crisp. Every faction feels harmonic and unique. Big thanks to Luis and his team from Miniaturas Alemany for their hard work on this assignment. They have truly gone the extra mile for us, caring for the success of this project as much as we do.
Some close-up shots of all factions:
Humans: Mounted Knight, Gregor the Mighty, Warrior Monk, Acher
Mounted Knight (close-up)
Orcs: Orc Shikari, Bilar Crosschain, Orc Warrior, and Orc RIder
Demons: Demon Beast, Raegar Demon Lord, Dark Mistress, Bloodsucker
Dark Mistress (close-up)
It's going to be sooo much fun to play with those!
95% of the miniatures are ready. Because of a tiny misalignment between our teams we need to re-do Raegar, the demon lord, which should take us until the end of this week. Early next week all minis will be securely delivered to the AGRpriority facilities for final box tests and packing! Everything is nicely coming together.
There are many exciting updates on the video game development front, too: we're wrapping up the game for the official release. Both campaigns, Defenders of Liria and Scourge of Liria are ready and have gone through multiple QA rounds with our keen (and very patient - thank you!) group of testers. The video game, being a multi-media product, allows us to introduce additional features that will get you fully immersed in the word of Liria: a fitting soundtrack, visual effects for the spells, dialogs. Friendly monsters may come to your aid – and some will be available to recruit... We will stop there and let you discover all additional content yourselves.
The video game will be released for early access on December 6th, 2024. All video game backers will receive a Steam code on the day.
For those late to the campaign, you can purchase the video game through our pre-order store. There are still some board games and the last few miniature boxes available as well. Whilst you won't be able to take advantage of any Early Birds or Bundle offers, the price is still below what we plan to sell the game for in the future. The miniature boxes are not planned for re-release after the stock runs out.
How are we doing in terms of delivery timelines? For one, the video game will be ready for release before Christmas, as promised. The board game production has taken a little longer than expected, summer holidays and the miniature box redesign have set us back by over a month. We are confident that our European and Australian backers will get their orders for Christmas. Boxes heading to US and Canada most likely will hit the holiday slog and arrive at your door in January. This is because all European orders will be sent by plane / truck while the boxes to North America are traveling on a ship container that takes a while to schedule.
We're hoping that this update has brightened your day a little. We are very happy of the project's progress so far. Thank you for your ongoing support.
Behsaad & Iwona
Minis are out of the oven! And other production updates...
5 months ago
– Thu, Sep 19, 2024 at 04:23:08 AM
Hi folks, it's been a while! Thank you all for your messages and questions while we were out – we also had some late pledges come in, every one of which is highly appreciated! We're glad to hear that you like what you're seeing.
As expected, August has been a slow month – with our main manufacturers closed for holidays, the production did not advance much. Now in September everything resumed at full speed and at last we have a few things to share!
Alemany Miniatures are on track with delivering all 17.500 (!!!) minis to us by the end of September/first week of October. The team is currently occupied with bringing the monster collection to life and sent us some copies that they've already produced:
As you know, all of our minis come in color, so that in case you do not want to paint them yourself, you won't end up with a box of sadly looking generic-grey figures. It's also a cornerstone of accessibility: you only need to quickly scan the map to understand who's who and what's the power balance. Working with color brings on some challenges, however. For example, the anthracite used for monsters had to go through a few iterations. Too much black pigment was making the minis too fragile, so Luis and the team spent a couple of days experimented with tones and plastic types. Every time we switch the color tone, the SiOCAST machines need to be cleaned so no color aberrations occur. To make this process time efficient we'll be producing the figures faction by faction (i.e., color by color).
Board game print
AGRpriority has had an unexpected shortage of staff which impacted the pace of production for all clients. The good news is that we went over the hurdle of the designing the mini box – at last! We will be steadily progressing with the print in the upcoming weeks. The boxes will be printed at the end, once we have all minis – we need to make a final test to confirm that everything fits.
Video game development
There has been a lot of progress on the video game development this month. The biggest feature we've pushed out must be the Map Creator. This month's update extends the capability to PvE mode, so that when you're playing against the computer, it can make smart decisions as to where it will place its map pieces!
We've also released some important UI & UX updates. To give you an idea of some of them, the map is now highlighting viable tiles for the Fort placement and the End Turn button will be highlighted once no more actions remain. You can save and load your saves (applies to the campaign mode only). You can equip an item when another one is equipped without manually removing it first, and the two will switch places. We're spotting small things and fixing them as we go. We've also introduced a day-night cycle to add ambience to the gameplay.
It's coming together very nicely. Here's a recording of a complete PvP session where you can observe the current state of the game:
Behind the scenes there is also a lot of painstaking work of making all menus look the same and finish the migration from the UI framework that we used initially.
Other news
While we've patiently – if not anxiously – waited for the production to recommence, it seemed about time to organize another in-person tournament!
Held in Play Planet Malaga once again, we've had a blast. Martin – representing the Orcs – has once again claimed the Liria's crown, having slayed the Humans (led by Tamara) in the final round. Thank you to all the participants and we hope to see you all soon!
Orcs, Humans, Demons, and Elves meet at last! (4-player free-for-all setup)
That's all for this month, folks. It's a slow process and while setbacks do happen, all teams are committed to have the game out and we're still on track for the shipment in November. In our next update you will get a first look of the complete mini set and hopefully the first sneak peak of the game print!