
Boardquest: Tales of Liria

Created by Ramezware SL

Competitive strategy skirmish game for all skill levels | Classic fantasy | 1-4 players | 45 min/player

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Kickstarter Backer Specials
7 months ago – Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 01:55:59 AM

We’ve been humbled by the support and encouragement received from this community and we wanted to show our appreciation to all of you who decided to hit that pledge button early. So here are some specials only the backers that support us during the campaign’s duration will get access to: 

Every board game backer will see their Kickstarter handle in the credits section of our rulebook. Likewise, all video game backers will get listed in the video game credits section. If you are a private person, you can choose to opt out - we will give you an option to do so in the Pledge Manager.

Thanks again for supporting us! The campaign is still on for the next 2 weeks ✨

New Campaign Book Confirmed
7 months ago – Sun, Feb 25, 2024 at 09:36:33 PM

Only 16 days to go! A big thank you to everyone for supporting us and Boardquest: Tales of Liria! As a token of our appreciation we hereby confirm the Demon campaign will be added as a physical book to the board game! It will guide you through the story from the Demons point of view carving an alternate path through Liria (the map of Liria below).

Stay tuned for more updates with goodies and behind the scenes information!


BOOM! Just funded! Plus the raffle results are in.
7 months ago – Fri, Feb 23, 2024 at 06:51:45 AM

We've made it to 100% under 48 hours! All thanks to your support. We cannot be more grateful to this passionate community for your kind messages and generous pledges. Let's make this project a success together!

All Early Birds have left the nest! It's been a great feeling to be able to gift something to all early backers. The Early Bird reward is now locked out. 

Raffle Results

Now to the second exciting announcement... 5 of the Early Bird backers will receive a free copy of the video game. The lucky winners are:

⭐ Marijan Matijevic

⭐ Daniel D.

⭐ Steffen Martin

⭐ philip redmond

⭐ Rasmus Jakobsen

Original spelling kept intact. We'll add your digital copy to the checkout in Backerkit (the Pledge Manager) ourselves, so you don't need to do anything!

What's next? 

The campaign is still ongoing and we appreciate all social media shares, or the traditional away-from-keyboard technique of talking to people. Every sale makes our hearts jump a little <3 

What a start! We're 70% funded and on the way to meet our funding goal.
7 months ago – Thu, Feb 22, 2024 at 01:00:26 AM

Thank you to over a 100 backers who supported this passion project of ours so far!

It's so heartwarming to see your pledges and lovely messages. It... takes guts to believe in indies and we are beyond words to have received so much support. You're not strangers on the internet to us but kindred spirits at this point.

Some of you asked about the extra campaign content. We'll do our best to include the second campaign, a conquest of Liria from the Demons' POV as a physical book in the game, which should increase the playable solo (and co-op) content to 20 hours. Since Boardquest is essentially a game system, more adventures will be released online as per demand. 

For all onlookers out there, the Early Bird discount is only available for another 24(ish) hours! Every sale brings us closer to making Boardquest a reality and we're almost there <3

Behsaad & Iwona